Telegram is becoming one of the best places to earn money online. Today we are gonna show 4 ways how you can make money with your Telegram channel or group.

Telegram is one of the fastest-growing social platforms and messengers right now. In 2020 it haв over 400 million active users all over the world (especially in India, Africa, Russia). Approximately 700,000 users join Telegram every month! The audience of the messenger is growing, as well as the number of users of Telegram channels, groups and bots. As a result, it becomes one of the biggest platforms for online money-making. People all over the world create Telegram communities (channels and groups) and monetize them online. The most successful business in Telegram earns up to $10,000 per month!
What is Telegram?
Telegram is an open-source messenger. For now, it’s the only popular messenger that guarantees the safety and privacy of users and their data. For that reason, the app features secret chats – encrypted messages that can’t be accessed by other people or forwarded. If one of two people makes a screenshot of the chat, the other one will be notified. Other features of Telegram are channel and group create communities, free stickers that can be even easily created by Telegram users, media sharing (you can share files of any size there, no limits!), voice calls, video, and audio messages. The Telegram was launched in 2013 by the team of Pavel Duroc who was famous for making a Russian analogue of Facebook – VK. Telegram stays one of the apps with millions of user data that is not acquired by a third party. The messenger is mostly popular in Russia, Uzbekistan, Europe, India, Iran, Indonesia, Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, and some other countries in Africa and Asia. It’s the fastest growing messenger app outside WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger.
What is a Telegram channel?
Telegram channel is a tool in Telegram to create themed groups and broadcast any content to subscribers. Telegram channel is similar to the Facebook group in its concept. There you can share any content – posts, texts, images, special offers, etc. The only difference is that users can’t publish their content or messages on the channel. All publications can be made only by admins, it’s a one-way broadcasting tool. But subscribers can view your posts (you can see how many of them have viewed each post), participate in polls, and click the links.
What is a Telegram group?
Telegram group is a tool to engage with subscribers. It’s basically a group chat where you can exchange messages with members. It’s more similar to WhatsApp groups. It’s hard to use groups for content broadcasting due to the chaotic nature of groups (a lot of people can send messages at the same time). The good thing about groups is that it is possible to get user-generated content and feedback from clients or users.
Summing up, Telegram channels are used for sharing content and Telegram groups – for chatting with users.
How to make the most of your Telegram channel?
Here are some valuable tips for making the most of your Telegram channel while monetizing it.
There are a few hundred of Telegram channels and it’s hard to attract the same audience as big channels. Don’t make just a general channel about movies, find the niche about comedy movies in India, for example. Research keywords, look at other Telegram channels to find an opportunity to stand out from the competition.
- Set a simple and clean logo
Seriously, it’s one of the common mistakes by Telegram owners. The logo shouldn’t have too many details or information on it. Don’t use real photos of people, or anything else. You don’t need to be a designer to see what is good or bad.
- Use keywords in a channel name
Keywords are powerful tools to make someone searchable and discoverable by users. The keywords should reflect your channel niche and be specific and true to it. If you have a channel about robot toys for dogs in India, then name your channel appropriately. Don’t just name it ‘robots toys’, be specific! Don’t give your channel a branded name unless your brand is popular like Pepsi.
You need to have some sort of content strategy. Subscribers should get new content each day to stay engaged. There is nothing good about posting once a month, this way you will only lose your members.
If you plan to publish around 15 new posts a day, then stop before even making it! According to our experience, the more you publish, the more your channel gets muted. Yeah, constant notifications are annoying and users tend to mute them. Muted channels mean fewer views and fewer active users. How can you send your services or ads if only 10 users view your content out of 1000?
That’s correct. Stop copy-pasting content from other channels or the Internet. First, people have already seen it. Second, it’s not good to disrespect copyright rules. If you publish someone’s content then you have at least to credit the author. Can we also mention that only a unique context can go viral? Well, yes, one good piece of your creativity or knowledge can make your whole channel popular.
- Automate with Telegram bots
If you use Telegram to promote your products or services then you can make the selling and consulting process easier. Create a free bot with top frequently asked questions and answers. It can replace the manager who is answering the same questions every day. With a bot, you can collect new orders and contacts without effort. If you want to see an example of a business Telegram bot, then click on our bot for Telegram members at the end of the article.
- Create both – channel and group
If you can’t choose what you should create for your business or content – channel or group, then create both. In our experience, it’s a better choice. For example, AppsGeyser has a channel for official news and updates and a group where users exchange their questions, issues and help each other. The best strategy of Telegram monetization is to please users and clients in every possible way.
- Use Telegram for promotion of other social media links
If you have a Facebook Page, Instagram, or even WhatsApp group, don’t hesitate to share links in your channel once in a while. Users can abandon one of the platforms eventually and this is your way to stay in touch with them.
- Don’t change your channel concept
If you had a channel about cricket, don’t suddenly make it about funny videos with puppies. This is a fast way to lose your users. Someone interested in one theme can be not interested in your new idea. If you want a channel with a new theme, then just create it from scratch. You can promote it on your primary channel. The only cases when you can change the idea of your channel: you have 100 members there and you want to make your channel more specific for your niche (without really changing a concept).
So, how can you make money with a Telegram channel?
Telegram doesn’t pay for channels or groups themselves, there is no monetization program inside it. However, in late 2020 it was announced that Telegram monetization will be launched any time soon. The messenger is planning on introducing ads in the public channels.
But even without an official monetization opportunity, Telegram is one of the most popular platforms for advertising. People already make thousands of dollars per month by selling their products, services, or ads on Telegram channels.
4 Telegram monetization strategies for your channel
1. Sell your services and products
Whether you are an affiliate seller (Amazon, Aliexpress, Flipkart) or you have your own brand, you can always promote your products and services to a large audience registered in Telegram and get new clients via this social platform.
It’s basically the same as running social media (Facebook, Instagram), but you have a much higher engagement rate. The view rate in Telegram channels can be around 30%, while it’s lower than 10% on other social platforms. Telegram is a content-oriented platform, so to be on top of the business, you need to think about the needs of your users and give top-notch content to please them.
As a bonus, your followers get constant notifications on your updates by default. No need to set notifications manually in the app. It means users won’t miss your offers, news, updates, discounts, etc.
Of course, the more members you have in the channel, the higher chances you have to get new clients online and make money on Telegram. Don’t forget Telegram is a new marketing tool and there is a solid chance to face a lower level of competition.
You can even automate the sales process with bots. Telegram bots can help you to make money with fewer efforts – collect and process orders, get contact numbers from users, accept payments, inform about special offers, give instant customer support, consult users, schedule appointments, etc. Gladly, the basic functionality of Telegram bot builders is free.
If you don’t have any products or services to sell, then consider the most popular ideas for Telegram channel monetization: sell educational, marketing, or consulting services; join affiliate programs on Amazon, Aliexpress, Flipkart, Udemy, or another platform to create a niche store (electronics, clothes, shoes, books, etc). Put some effort and watch Telegram earnings grow.
2. Sell ads
Posting ads and paid posts in your Telegram channel or group is one of the most popular ways of Telegram monetization. If you have more than 50k members, you can easily sell any promotional posts with links to other Telegram channel owners. Usually, the price of advertising depends on a few factors: duration of promo and number of channel members.
Prices can range somewhere between 1-48 hours long promo publication. The shorter time – the small price – the smaller effect for the client. Most Telegram channel or group owners aim for 24 hours long publications, so it’s better to make your price for this duration the most attractive.
The same math works for the number of channel/group members. The more subscribers you have, the higher price you can charge. You can easily earn up to $500-700 per month by promoting other channels and products. But to get that result your channel has to have good content, so your members and followers will be engaged with the content you publish. The most popular Telegram channels earn a few thousand of dollars online per month by selling paid posts with links to other channels.
3. Paid Subscription
Sell the access to premium or valuable content to your users. It usually works that way – you have a public channel to get a large base of followers and a private channel with premium content. Access to the private channel is allowed by the special link to members who pay subscription fees regularly. This way you can charge people monthly and get a constant source of income. Popular examples of Telegram channel monetization by subscription: betting tips for sport (cricket, soccer, etc), trading channels with signals (Forex, Crypto), educational resources (materials for exams like IELTS, online courses).
There are services like InviteMember that allow you to automate your Telegram paid subscription business with their Membership Bot Platform. You can accept payments through various payment gateways right inside your Telegram Channel/Group and let the Bot handle your memberships and other tedious tasks.
4. Sell your channel
That’s right! If you have enough members in your Telegram channel, you can sell it to someone else. Set a good price and make cash by transferring your ownership to your potential client. After that, you can go and create another channel, grow it… and sell it again! That’s a whole different business on Telegram. Income from one channel can be easily from $50 to $5000. The more members you have with a good engagement rate, the higher price of the channel can be.
You can easily use these technics to monetize your Telegram Channel or even Group. But to get a good income whether you sell premium content, ads or channels themselves, you need to get a high number of Telegram subscribers. The math is simple: more members = more income.
How to get Telegram Members to make money?
There are several ways to grow your channel and start monetizing it:
1. Share with friends
The easiest way to get the first subscribers for the channel. You can share your channel or group link with your friends, they will share it with their friends and so on. That way you can get your first 50-100 members absolutely for free. Or you can manually add the first 200 members from your own Telegram contacts – bring your friends and family to your Telegram Channel.
2. Cross promo
Do cross-promo with other Telegram channels. It means you can exchange promotional posts with other admins. It costs nothing, but it will be hard at the start. To do a cross-promo, you need to have at least 2000 members in your channel. Otherwise, other owners and admins won’t be interested in promoting their content on your Telegram channel.
3. Promote on social media
You can share your Telegram channel link on social media. And we don’t mean just Facebook. There are a lot of niche sources and communities for every possible topic. For example, you have a channel with betting tips in India. You can look for forums of famous bookmakers websites. Or you can go to Quora, and search for related questions from users all over the world. Write a solid answer with your Telegram channel link. And you can be sure, many users will see it with time. Apart from forums, Quora, niche social media and Facebook, you can look closer to Telegram catalogues. There is a range of websites that feature Telegram channels. They split links by themes and post them for free!
4. Paid advertising
Buy ads and post your channel or group link in other channels. It takes money investments from you, but in return, you get active users. But there can be a problem, the same ads on different channels can bring you 500 new subscribers or just 1… or even 0 members. You never know, it’s a risky business. You need to research before getting into paid advertising. What you should pay attention to the size of the channel, the dynamic of its growth, view rate, the origin of members, how often they publish paid posts.
5. Buy members
Some services provide real and active members for Telegram channels. It’s the fastest way to get subscribers and boost your channel. You can get 1000 members within a day or even faster! Usually, you pay for the result. If you want 1000 members, be sure that you will get all of them.
But be careful and don’t buy bots. Bots are great for numbers and are cheap, but these are inactive members, who won’t be engaged with your channel…. And with time you risk losing all of them because Telegram deletes fake users. It doesn’t happen if you buy real members from a trusted company.
Remember, Telegram is only growing in terms of earnings, don’t miss your chance to find your niche and make money online!
Frequently Asked Questions
How to make a Telegram channel?To create a Telegram channel go to the menu tab on the messenger app. Choose ‘New channel’, type the channel name, add a description, upload an icon. Choose the channel type: public or private. Assign the link for your channel. Add subscribers from your contact list.
How to monetize a Telegram channel?To monetize a Telegram channel you can sell ads in it, sell your products or services, offer a paid subscription for premium content or sell your channel to someone else.
Can you earn money with Telegram?Yes, Telegram is a new marketing and business tool. You still can make great money with Telegram channels.
How much can I make with a Telegram channel?With a channel of over 100000 members, you can earn around 2000 per month. But It really depends on your channel quality and type of monetization.
How to earn money by Telegram in India?You can earn money with Telegram in India by selling paid advertising, products or services, channels and paid subscription to premium content.
Does Telegram pay for channels?No, Telegram doesn’t pay for channels. But you can make money with channels using one of the common methods of Telegram monetization: ads, services and products, paid subscription, selling channels.
How does Telegram pay?Telegram doesn’t pay to channel owners and it doesn’t have any special monetization program for now. However, you can still earn money from Telegram by making deals with other channel owners or business owners.
Can I make $100 a day with Telegram?Yes, if you have a popular Telegram channel. In this case, you can sell 1-2 paid posts in your channel per day and make $100.
How does the Telegram make money?Telegram is a free app. It makes money on donations from wealthy investors and organizations.
How to boost money on Telegram?Sell paid posts, sell products and services, join affiliate programs, sell the paid subscriptions or create a network of channels and sell them. The bigger Telegram channel, the higher income.
What are the best Telegram monetization strategies?Best Telegram monetization strategies include selling in-channel ads, selling products and services, offering paid subscriptions to premium content and selling channels.