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Last app on this template was made
1 hour ago in India
Find The Word. Add your own words and sort them to categories. Make Word Search game app for Android without coding with free Game App Maker. Let your users find hidden words, have fun and train their brains. Add easy and difficult words, sort them to categories like movies, food, music, and others to make the game more engaging.
How to make Word Search Puzzle app for Android: create categories, add 10-20 words per category, upload background, name your app, and upload an icon. Preview your app before building an apk.

To create a Word Search addicting app, you should find your niche. You can make an educational app to find words for kids or themed app about cities, slang, national cultures, movies, etc. Use the keywords in the name and description, localize your word search app into multiple languages, make high-quality screenshots. Look at your competitors and build a game app like Classic Word Search, Word Search Link, Wordscapes, Word Find, Word Connect, etc.

Fields marked with * symbol are required
Translate quiz to other languages ⤵
To translate your app to other languages alter this alphabet to your language alphabet:
1. Don't use spaces or commas, only letters.
2. Include all letters from your alphabet (alphabet is used to fill squares with letters on the question screen).
3. Don't leave this input empty.
4. Example for russian language: 袗袘袙袚袛袝衼袞袟袠袡袣袥袦袧袨袩袪小孝校肖啸笑效楔些歇蝎鞋协挟携

Ability to translate menu items coming soon.
Add categories:
category #1
Remove category
Enter category name, for example 'Animals' or 'Food'. Add 10-20 words for each category.
List of words:
Add new word for searching in this category:
Please use only One word per field. No spaces.
Add new word for searching in this category:
Please use only One word per field. No spaces.
category #2
Remove category
Enter category name, for example 'Animals' or 'Food'. Add 10-20 words for each category.
List of words:
Add new word for searching in this category:
Please use only One word per field. No spaces.
Add new word for searching in this category:
Please use only One word per field. No spaces.
Here you can upload your own pictures for backgrounds in your application. The recommended size for background is 800x1280.
Attach image
Crop image:
Attach image
Crop image:
Crop image:
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